Absolute Ibiza Ladies Polo Cup

7 - 05 - 2018

The first Ladies Polo Tournament of the year in Ibiza Polo Cup is going to be take place in between 11 and 13 of May. We are very happy to announce that Absolute Ibiza Magazine is going to sponsor this great event and their are going to launch their very first Ibizan issue during the final day on Sunday, May 13th. Some of the most talented ladies polo players are coming from over the world to participate. We'll be proud to present flags from Argentina, UK, Denmark, New Zealand, Italy, Spain. Free entrance event!
Ibiza Polo Club ©2013
Contacto: info@ibizapoloclub.es
Tel.: +34 971 325 365
Ibiza Polo Club ©2013 | info@ibizapoloclub.es | +34 971 325 365